Terms and conditions


InDolomiti is an advertising and promotions website owned by FreeRooms International – Company Number 9855720 registered in England and Wales.

The sole aim of inDolomiti.com is to publish in respect of vacation rental adverts to the mass media. InDolomiti.com has absolutely no involvement in the search for or the actual rental property transaction.

Advert diffusion

The introduction

The owner will deal with the holidaymaker of his choice as he sees fit without any intervention by InDolomiti.com. They undertake that he will in no event use to their commercial and/or marketing gain any of the information InDolomiti.com furnishes about a member.

Undertaking by the owner (advertiser)

  • He/she guarantees as to personal identity as well as the accuracy of all information provided.
  • The owner or advertiser undertakes to keep up-to-date his bookings calendar by going to the member's area used for this very purpose on InDolomiti.com and to delete already booked out periods as they become taken, failing to do so, InDolomiti.com reserves the right to withdraw your advert.
  • The owner or advertiser undertakes to supply at least one photo showing the inside or the outside façade of the mentioned rental property and certifies that the photos relate strictly to that rental property.

Checking of contents

  1. For information, all the adverts are placed directly by the owners. Only pictures and video content are checked by our team with the sole aim as to adhere to the law in respect of persons. InDolomiti.com reserves the right to refuse any advert, photo, video or hypertext link that it judges to be incongruous with its activity or where it could possibly bring about complaints by third parties.

After checking, reserves all rights to withdraw an advert or a photo that could bring about a third party complaint and the subscription will remain with InDolomiti.com. If, following a stay in a lodging, a holidaymaker should reveal an essential floor in information or where the information diffused in the advert did not reflect the reality, he/she can inform InDolomiti.com and by going through to the members area to be used to this effect can make his/her comments be known and these will be visible by other holidaymakers without necessitating any proceedings. The owner and only the owner remains responsible for his advert, and expressly releases all responsibility from InDolomiti.com vis-à-vis third parties.

Mistaken contents

In the event of a complaint brought about due to a mistake in the material presentation of the advert made by inDolomiti.com linked to such as the program development or the translation, inDolomiti.com responsibility will not exceed that of the price paid for the advertisement paid by the owner.

Publication duration

The publication of a property rental offer begins after receipt of the payment in respect of the chosen subscription formulas and/or the initial date the advert is validated by our publication department.

Publication duration

The publication of a property rental offer begins after receipt of the payment in respect of the chosen subscription formulas and/or the initial date the advert is validated by our publication department.

The advertisement comes to an end automatically at the end of the subscription. We do not operate a tacit renewal policy.

The owner amending the advert

If you fill in the form to amend the offer description, or add/delete photos, your advert will no longer be available on-line momentarily the time it takes for validation (delay about 5 working days). This temporary discontinuance of the publication does not warrant an extension of your subscription. The owner can withdraw his/her advert at any time, but inDolomiti.com retains the subscription payment.

Hypertext links to personal pages

Access to the website

Access to the inDolomiti.com website is 7 days a week and 24 hours a day, except in cases of force majeure and periodic maintenance. If a technical problem makes accessing the service impossible, inDolomiti.com will do its uppermost to work towards finding the technical solution just until the service is resumed. InDolomiti.com holds to its responsibilities but cannot be held responsible for circumstances outside of its control.

Copyrights and notices

The contents published on inDolomiti.com are protected by copyright. All copying is strictly forbidden. In using or in continuing to use the services of inDolomiti.com, you express your agreement to undertake to these terms and conditions. InDolomiti.com reserves all rights to make changes as it sees fit, to the general terms and conditions and would ask you to reread them regularly.