Mostra permanente di reperti archeologici
01/11/2015 - 30/10/2016
The rock on which stand the ruins of Drena Castle, with its ashlar-work tower, still amazingly intact, was the seat of an ancient castelliere (fortified village). In the Middle Ages the rock, which dominated the road connecting the Sarca plain with the Cavedine Valley, constituted an outpost at the junction of the roads to the north. It becames the property of the signoria of Sejano then cames into the hands of the Counts of Arco. Frequently contended, in 1703 it met the fate of practically all the castles in the area and was destroyed by French troops led by General Vendome. After careful restoration by the Trento Provincial Government the complex, comprising a Ghibellina wall enclosing the remains of the count’s palace, a small chapel and other buildings is open to visitors. Overlooking the complex is the 25 metres high fourteenth-century tower, the top of which affords a view over the evocative Marocche stone quarry.