Alpe Cimbra - Folgaria, Lavarone, Luserna Loc. Francolini, 32 - 38064 Folgaria

You'll find a home away from home at the Hotel Seggiovia in Folgaria, Trentino, for your holiday in the mountains far from the stresses and strains of everyday life.

from 45 € euros
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Alpe Cimbra - Folgaria, Lavarone, Luserna Via Andrea Maffei, 52 - 38064 Costa di Folgaria

Our hotel is a three star owned by our family since 3 generations. It was built by Ezio Rech in 1963 with his wife Oprandi Gesuina, known to all as "Tina." Located in a very quiet area of the plateau of Folgaria.

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