Was also Johann Wolfgang von Goethe filled with anticipation for his next journey when he wrote this famous phrase? He certainly adored travelling, at a time when it was not yet commonplace to “peruse far-off horizons”.
We wish you a hearty welcome to the Guest House Gartenheim in Scena near Merano in the splendid alpine region of South Tyrol. Our house offers you breathtaking views of the town of Merano and its surroundings and has hosted guests spending their vacation in Scena since 1957.
Our hiking and golfing residence is an oasis of peace only 1.200 m from the historical town, thermae, promenades, kurhaus/congresscenter and the MERANARENA with big indoor swimmingpool and iceskating in-and outdoor away.
A shady private park and sunny panoramic terraces augment the Einsiedler Hotel’s prime location, nestled amidst green pine forests and located close to the cable car to Merano 2000 Hiking Area and Merano’s magnificent botanical Gardens of Trauttmansdorff Castle.
The hikers' hotel in San Leonardo in Passiria! Grüß Gott in the Passiria Valley, on the sunny south side of the Alps near Merano in South Tyrol.
Here in Hotel Restaurant Edelweiss in Tel / Parcines at the entry to the cultural town of Merano you can enjoy splendid holidays during all the seasons of the year.